Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have reached my goal weight!

I have reached my goal weight!

Well, to be honest, it’s not quiet as exciting as that. I am not a huge fan of scales and I don’t exactly have a “goal weight.” However, before my thyroid started acting up I was EXACTLY the same weight for years. Then I gained 13 pounds when my thyroid slowed down. When I started taking thyroid medicine I did lose three pounds right off the bat…but the rest was not coming off. I spent the next three years experimenting with various exercise regimens and earning a Bachelor in Nutrition Science to learn more about my situation. I did suffer a family tragedy and lost ten pounds from the stress, but hot yoga and Pilates has helped me to lose 4 more pounds. I started hot yoga and Pilates 4 months ago and was actually able to lose my excess weight, plus two pounds.
         Honestly I would be completely fine if I looked like Jessica Biel but was 10 pounds heavier (from muscle gain). 
So from here, I wont be weighing myself for a couple of months, but I will keep my routine of about 4 hot classes a week along with avoiding fast food and greasy food. Then, when I feel comfortable, I will measure my waist. I think losing weight slow and steady by exercising and eating well is the healthiest way for me to lose weight. I am just happy to be on the right track!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kim Kardashian

Don’t Believe Everything You See In Magazines!

I was enjoying a pedicure while thumbing through a tabloid when I came across a strange picture! I have to share this with you. There aren’t many people in this country who don’t know who Kim Kardashian is…well in case you haven’t guessed, the picture was of Kim Kardashian doing yoga. A lot of her life is staged and scripted, which is why I can’t understand this picture! This is a professionally shot photo of Kim doing tree pose. The problem is her foot placement could cause serious knee damage! This is precisely what my previous post was concerning. When you are learning yoga it is important to be supervised so you DON’T cause yourself serious problems. Just because you see something in a magazine does not mean it is safe! Please keep this in mind!

Is Yoga Danergous

Is Yoga Dangerous?

The New York Times magazine recently published an article citing medical studies and specific events suggesting yoga isn't as safe as we might think. This is of particular interest to me, not only because I am a beginner at yoga, but also because I pulled my hamstring last week while practicing hot yoga. In one case a yogi held a pose so long he had temporary nerve damage. In the other case a woman suffered a stroke while holding wheel pose. It is true that serious yoga practice may result in serious injuries such as nerve damage and stroke, but it is rare.This might sound frightening at a glance, but there are extenuating circumstances that must be explored before coming to any conclusions! In addition to that, there are countless injuries sustained in various exercise forms. There are many tragic cases of high school football players that drop dead during practice. Torn muscles and ligaments are all too common in skiing, basketball, track etc. Everything in life carries a risk, including sitting on the couch watching television. The choice is ours which risk is worth taking.

It is important to keep your own body and abilities in mind when practicing yoga...especially hot yoga. I make sure to learn new poses under the supervision of an instructor to ensure proper alignment. Even when practicing under watchful supervision we are responsible for listening to our bodies. I pushed myself too far and was not considering the 105 degree temperature in the class room. When practicing from now on I will be much more aware of my own limits, body and temperature.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yin months and conserving energy

I admit that three months ago when I started yoga I was looking to get fit. It just so happened that just about every girl I knew with an amazing body did hot yoga! Without pause I joined this particular studio and started hot yoga and pilates! Within a couple of weeks people started commenting on my muscles! For the first time in my life I have muscle tone and definition. Needless to say I was ecstatic, but I realized my energy level was almost zero! I already have very low energy and the heat and intense exercise (pilates) was taking a toll on me. I started taking minerals at the advice of a close family friend and with the approval of my doctor. Within a few days I felt a little more energy but I was still tired. So, I started to do more research. I then started to explore the spiritual, mental and emotional dimensions of yoga. I then discovered that December is a yin month. In fact winter months are yin months. Everything in the universe is a balance between yin and yang. Yin represents femininity and when associated with a time of year generally it means it’s a time of conserving energy. Taoist philosophy associates this time of year with retaining energy and enjoying yang foods to replenish energy stores (Winter Wonder Yin, 2011).  I realized I naturally hold energy back during this time of year. For example: I shop online, enjoy warm yang soups and try my hardest not to participate in rigorous exercise regimens. However, there tends to be a lot of parties, baking, friends and chaos that accompanies this time of year. Eating spicy warm soups, walking and tai chi are great activities for this time of year (Winter Wonder Yin, 2011)! I am enjoying yin yoga, soups and walking my dogs to help conserve my energy. Three months after discovering yoga I realize there is so much more than just getting into shape…it’s truly a way of life.

Kallenbach, Laurel. "Self-Care for Winter Health." Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and Off the Mat - Namaste. Web. 04 Jan. 2012. <>.

The T'ai Chi and the Cycle of Chinese Months. Web. 4 Jan. 2012.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Healthy living through yoga and nutrition

Health: the condition of being sound in mind, body or spirit (Merriam-Webster)
Life is what we make of it. Often as children we are guided through life and
don't have voice in choosing our life path. Dancing and martial arts were a large
part of my childhood and teen years, and I was OK with that. I wasn't particularly
happy with my life and I was constantly searching for new hobbies. A few months
ago I found hot yoga. Hot yoga has redirected my life path! Not only do I enjoy the
physical experience associated with yoga, but I feel it is an emotional and spiritual
experience. In September of 2011 I knew nothing about yoga. In January of 2012
I know a good number of asanas, I practice some forms of pranayama and I am
learning vinyasa. I have thus far only participated in hot yoga, but I am looking
forward to studying from new instructors at various studios!
      During my search to learn about healthy living I discovered nutrition science.
I was drawn to nutrition during my college years and I attained my Bachelor in
Nutrition Science. My quest to learn more about healthy living is only beginning. I
plan to continue my college education while simultaneously learning more about
yoga as a lifestyle. I look forward to sharing this experience with you!
